At HireKnowledge, we constantly strive to match interesting jobs with extraordinary people. We do this by specializing in jobs for cutting-edge creative, technical, and management professionals. We also provide the highest level of responsive, reliable service and support to our clients and associates.

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We develop our own customized tests and constantly update them, ensuring that our candidates aren't just experts at taking tests -- they demonstrate hands on expertise. Standardized tests -- even ones that incorporate screen shots and keyboard shortcut questions -- only test an applicant's theoretical knowledge of a program. We only use standardized tests as a first level of screening. Our candidates also take our custom-designed tests, which require them to open and work in the program being tested.

For example, at the end of our Photoshop test, the applicant will have created several documents and manipulated both graphics and text in various ways. What's more, the interviewer observes how the applicant uses the program, looking not just for speed with shortcuts but for the most efficient and effective solutions to the directions of the test projects.


HireKnowledge managers are qualified to make these distinctions, too. Not everyone is an information technology or graphic design wizard when they start here, but through our cross-training program every manager becomes knowledgeable in each of the programs in which we test applicants.

Many HireKnowledge managers started working with us as temps. So they not only have a background in at least one of the industries we serve, but know from their own experience what it takes to be a successful temporary employee.

That on-the-job depth of experience is something we work to extend to our permanent placements as well. We make a point of learning as much about your company as possible, getting a feel not only for the environment and atmosphere of your workplace, but the pace and demands of a workday at your office. Skill and experience are important in finding the right candidates for a job, but personality and attitude are just as essential to a long-term and productive placement.


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